ACORN (Advertising Contributions Reward Newspapers) symbolizes a seed for the future of Illinois newspapers.
Through the voluntary ACORN campaign, newspapers donate 52 inches of advertising to the Illinois Press Foundation. This tax-deductible contribution allows a donation to help newspapers not only survive, but prosper --- without ever writing a check.
The Foundation deducts the amount of your pledge from your monthly IPAS ad checks. Illinois Press Advertising Service (IPAS) sells advertising into your newspaper. Ad Check deductions will be taken monthly until the annual pledge amount is reached.
If IPAS does not sell advertising into the newspaper, The ACORN participant will not be expected to make up the difference in cash.
Step Up...The ACORN 104 Club. This special category offers members the opportunity to donate 2” per week (104” total).
For more information, contact Jeff Rogers at 217-241-1300 or via email.